Deerwood Men's Club Board of Directors for the 2025 Season:
The Deerwood Men's Club Board had our initial meeting for the 2025 season on Saturday, November 16th, at the Buffalo Pizza Project on Erie Ave. Our first order of business was to elect officers and assign duties for all 11 Board members.
President - Tom Gipp
Vice President - Eric Maundrell
Secretary - Keith Miranto
Treasurer - Frank Queeno
Tournament Chairman - Paul Riexinger
Handicap Chairman - Dave Walos
Rules & Greens - Bob Krolczyk
Entertainment Chairman - Mike Martin
Prize Chairman - Jim Mineweaser
Buffalo District Rep - Dennis Serafin
Webmaster - Darren Vitberg
In other news:
Emma Pfohl who's been managing the Buffalo Pizza Project has just received the keys to the 1818 Bar & Grill and will be part of a new management team at Deerwood. They'll be ready for business sometime before the course open in the spring. Until that time, the Board will be having their meetings at the Buffalo Pizza Project. Stop in for a pop or two every Saturday or anytime as they are very accommodating to us golfers. They even have a golf simulator installed in the previous dining room there. Check it out here: Golf Simulator Rentals – Buffalo Pizza Project.
At our meeting on November 16th, many new ideas were discussed and are in the works for the upcoming season including offering a Super Bowl Pool for all the gamblers in our ranks. The squares are $50 each and anyone in or outside of the Men's Club can participate in the pool. $10 of each square will go to the Men's Club to get us off to a good start for next year's expenses. Contact Keith Miranto at 716-531-0436 if you would like a square or two. There's up to 37 winning squares in the pool and numbers will change every quarter.
We will also post this to our Facebook page and our website.
We're looking into offering electronic payments.
And also in the works is a Hole-in-One pool proposed by Bob Krolczyk.
We're also working on a new online 2025 membership form to expedite the process of joining the club and to eliminate some of the minutia associated with the membership application.
I think you'll agree with me when I say the Golf Course is in its finest condition ever under the leadership of Superintendent Matt Borowiec and his fantastic crew. In that vein, we're looking forward to having all of our members back and we're working hard to attract new members as well.
If you add up all the benefits of your membership, I don't think you'll find a club in the area that gives back as much as we do and, many of the other club's entry fees are much higher than ours.
Start thinking of a friend you can bring in and join us for all the comradery and competitive golf.
Remember for every new member you bring in, you'll receive a $10 gift card.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Saturday March 15, 2025 @ 11:30 at Buffalo Pizza Project.
Dates to Bookmark :
Spring Social - Saturday March 15, 2025, at Buffalo Pizza Project Time: TBD
Dues are payable at the March 15th Spring Social or, no later than April 30, 2025.
NEW Summer Picnic on Saturday July 19
Club Championship Weekend - Saturday August 2-3, 2025
Fall Banquet on Saturday September 13 immediately following our final
Tournament of the year, a scramble !
2024 Men's Club Champions
L to R, J. Mineweaser - Club Champ, Senior A, T. Van Horn - Club Champ, B Class, J. Nepokroeff - Club Champ and A Class President's Cup, M. Woodard - Club Champ, C Class, K. Miranto - Club Champ, Senior B Class, J. Stephens, Senior B Presidents Cup Net, F. Queeno - Senior B Presidents Cup Gross, Senior A Club Champ Net, B. Pieper - Presidents Cup, C Class.
Kneeling: M. Moeller - Club Champ C Class Net.
Missing: P. Rossow - Memorial Cup Champ, S. Sutherland - Presidents Cup B Champ, Club Champ B Class Net, D. McCabe - Presidents Cup A Class, B. Matuszak - Club Championship A Class Net.
Here's our first ever Super Bowl Pool below. Good luck to everyone and thank you for participating. The fundraiser netted the men's club $1000.